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Unidirectional Knife Gate Valve

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Unidirectional Knife Gate Valve

Body Material
Connection Type

Unidirectional Knife Gate Valve

Body: Carbon Steel, Ductile Iron, SS316

Knife: SS304, SS316

Disc: SS304, SS316L

Wedge: SS304, SS316, SS316L

Packing: PTFE

Seal Ring: Polyurethane, EPDM, NBR, VITON

Yoke: SS304, SS316

Packing Gland: CF8, WCB

Nominal Size: DN50 to DN450

Nominal Pressure: Class150 to Class30, PN10

End Type: Wafer Type, Lug Type

Operation: Handwheel, Electric Actuated, Pneumatic Actuated

Design and Manufacture Standard: MSS SP-81

Face to Face Dimension: MSS SP-81

Flanged End Dimension: DIN, JIS

Inspection and Test: API 598



DN L D D1 D2 DO N-Th d H1
50 48 165 125 99 180 4-M16 ?18 260
65 48 185 145 118 200 4-M16 ?18 292
80 51 200 160 132 240 8-M16 ?18 320
100 51 220 180 156 260 8-M16 ?18 358
125 57 250 210 184 280 8-M16 ?18 395
150 57 285 240 211 280 8-M20 ?23 450
175 57 305 265 237 280 12-M20 ?23 504
200 70 340 295 266 300 8-M20 ?23 532
250 70 395 350 319 320 12-M20 ?23 670
300 76 445 400 370 350 12-M20 ?23 758
350 76 505 460 429 400 16-M20 ?23 857
400 89 565 515 480 450 16-M24 ?27 946
450 89 615 565 530 500 20-M24 ?27 1023


DN L D D1 D2 DO N-Th d H1
2″ 48 152 121 92 180 4-5/8″ ?19 260
2-1/2″ 48 178 140 105 200 4-5/8″ ?19 292
3″ 51 191 153 127 200 4-5/8″ ?19 320
4″ 51 229 191 157 240 8-5/8″ ?19 358
5″ 57 254 216 186 260 8-3/4″ ?22 395
6″ 57 279 242 216 280 8-3/4″ ?22 450
8″ 70 343 299 270 300 8-3/4″ ?22 532
10″ 70 406 362 324 320 12-7/8″ ?25 670
12″ 76 483 432 381 350 12-7/8″ ?25 758
14″ 76 533 476 413 400 12-1″ ?29 857
16″ 89 597 540 470 450 16-1″ ?29 946
18″ 89 635 578 533 500 16-11/8″ ?32 1023